Which Golden Retriever Is Best For Your Family - Male Or Female?
The golden retriever is one of the smartest, friendliest, and most loyal dog breeds. Whether for showing off at dog shows, hunting, tracking, agility, or simply for companionship and snuggles, golden retrievers are affectionate, athletic, and intelligent. These traits have made them incredibly popular as pets. However, some families may need help choosing between a male or female Golden Retriever puppy. If you are one of those families, this article will help you discover your best choice.

Male Golden Retriever Traits
Males Are Larger
Male golden retrievers are larger than females in height and weight. Male golden retrievers are usually between 23-24 inches tall, measured from the ground to shoulder, and weigh up to 75 pounds. According to the American Kennel Club, male golden retrievers can be up to 2.5 inches taller than females and 20 pounds heavier.
Male golden retrievers tend to mature physically faster than females. Males reach sexual maturity when they are just five months old, compared to 9-14 months for females. While Males mature faster sexually, they mentally mature slower than females. They can act like puppies until they are 18-24 months old when they become adults.
Males Crave More Attention
Male golden retrievers can become more clingy and crave attention more than females. They may follow you around begging for a belly rub. If they don’t receive the appropriate amount of attention, they can become destructive.
Males Mark the Spot
Males are known to mark and are more territorial than females. According to the American Kennel Club, “Marking is not the same as a dog relieving itself – it is leaving small amounts of urine on items (trees, bushes, couch) to leave a “calling card” and to say “this is mine.” While marking can occur inside the home, it is usually prevalent outdoors. If marking does become a problem indoors, it may be triggered by anxiety.
Energy Levels
Male golden retrievers are usually more energetic than females. They can be slightly rougher with young children and unaware of their size. While they are excellent family dogs, male golden retrievers are known to have higher energy, especially before they reach adulthood.

Female Golden Retrievers Traits
Females Are Smaller
Female golden retrievers are smaller than males in height and weight. Females can grow to 21.5-22.5 inches tall from the ground to their shoulders and weigh between 55-65 pounds. They can be 2.5 inches smaller than males and 20 pounds lighter.
Female golden retrievers mature slower sexually than males. Although some female dogs can have their first heat from six months of age, it is more common for golden retrievers to have their first heat between 9-14 months. They will then have an Oestrus Cycle every 6 months. Read this article from the American Kennel Club to learn more about what to expect with your male or female puppy’s maturity.
Females Are Easier to Train
On the other hand, females mature faster mentally than males. They can be easier to train and more obedient because of their energy differences. However, you will still need to work diligently with your puppy, whether they are male or female.
Females Are More Independent
Females are not as clingy as male golden retrievers. Females like their space, and if they already have their fill of attention, they are more than happy to spend time alone. While they may not follow you around everywhere, they still love to snuggle!
Females Are Calmer
Female Golden Retrievers are generally calmer than males. They can be more cautious around children and not as rough as males. While both male and family are excellent family dogs, if you seek a slightly calmer golden retriever, you may want to adopt a female.
Spaying Female Retrievers Is More Complicated Than Neutering Male Dogs
Females tend to be a bit more complicated than males to spay or neuter because they require special attention. Many complications can occur from the procedure. Read this article to learn more about the risks of spaying or neutering your dog.

So, which golden retriever is best for your family – male or female?
In conclusion, the correct answer depends on your personality. Some people prefer male dogs, while others are drawn to female dogs. When deciding between a male and a female golden retriever, make sure that you are considering both sides. A male dog is usually bolder and more assertive than a female dog, so a male might be a better fit for some personalities. Conversely, a female is generally calmer. Whichever puppy you choose will love you no matter what.